
Kiddush Sponsor

  • Request to Sponsor Kiddush

  • Thank you for your interest in sponsoring a kiddush at Chabad of Tribeca/Soho. Whether you are celebrating a simcha or commemorating the yahrzeit of a relative, we appreciate the opportunity to come together as a community.

    Please note that all sponsors are welcome including multiple sponsors for the same kiddush. Kiddush pricing remains the same for multiple sponsors unless sponsors coordinate in advance and approach the office together to split the cost. Exclusive sponsorships are only available for Bar/Bat Mitzvahs and wedding celebrations. 

    Kiddush Pricing

    • Main Kiddush: $1,800
    • Gala Kiddush: $3,600
    • Dairy Kiddush: $1,000

    For any questions about a Kiddush or specific food requests / add-ons, please email [email protected].

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